Klaudia, 19, decided to leave her home in Hungary to do her Service Civique in France. Passionate about sports, painting and drawing; she is involved in community life as a volunteer for AFS Intercultural Programs.
Her assignment

What does Service Civique mean to you?
For me, Service Civique is a chance to have a year helping people in need and to get ideas for my future career.
Why did you decide to do Service Civique?
I wanted to work with the elderly and see something else in my life.
How did you find out about the scheme?
Thanks to my school: people came in and gave talks about lots of jobs and countries and I chose Service Civique in France.
What are you expecting from your year in Service Civique?
I am hoping this year will bring me some answers about my future.
Which organisation is your mission with?
My mission is in a retirement home, la Maison Blanche, in Beaucourt.

Why did you choose this field?
At first, I wanted to work with people who had drug addictions or with children but then I realised that that’s not for me, I don’t have the patience. So I went into a mission working with the elderly. In France, because I think it’s a great country.
What is your mission?
My mission here is to spend time with the elderly people and suggest art activities they could do (painting, drawing…).
Are you housed by your organisation?
Yes. I’m living in an apartment owned by la Maison Blanche.
What did you think of the organisation when you arrived?
The first time I arrived at the organisation I thought it was huge, and such a labyrinth!

How were your first few days with the organisation?
At first, it was a bit complicated. Since I didn’t speak much French, it was hard to understand the residents, so I joined Marie (head of the animation team) in animation and it’s become much easier because she helps me by trying to use words that I can understand.
Peux-tu me décrire une journée type dans ta structure?
Je commence mes journées à 9h et je termine à 17h30. La journée je reste en animation avec Marie, je fais des activités avec les résidents : je joue, je dessine et je peins.
A bit more about Klaudia…
If you were an animal, what would you be? Why?
I would be a dog because I love dogs and I think they’re adorable.
If tomorrow you could go anywhere you wanted in the world for two weeks, where would you go? Why?
I would go to Germany because I like the country and I have loads of friends who live there.
Do you have a motto?
I don’t think I do have a motto, I live every day as it comes, I enjoy every little daily pleasure, I want to be myself and also to live life to the full.