Why did you decide to do your Service Civique abroad?
I started my Service Civique because I didn’t really know what direction to go in after high school. I had no idea what to do next and I wanted to try some new things.
“I went into Service Civique without really knowing what to expect and I think that’s the best way to do it“
Qu’attendais-tu de ton année de Service Civique ?
Je suis partie en Service Civique sans trop savoir à quoi m’attendre et je pense que c’était la meilleure chose à faire. Du coup je ne m’attendais pas à grand-chose. En partant, je ne connaissais que le nom de ma structure d’accueil et le fait que deux autres françaises partaient avec moi et c’est tout. Je me suis engagée dans ma mission sans attentes et sans préjugés, c’est ce qui m’a permis de vivre mon année à fond et surtout de faire pleins de nouvelles expériences.
What were you expecting from this year of Service Civique?
I went into Service Civique without really knowing what to expect and I think that’s the best way to do it. So I wasn’t expecting much. When I left I only knew the name of my host organisation and that there would be two other French girls with me, that’s all. I went into the mission without expectations or preconceptions, which meant I could live my year to the fullest and, above all, have lots of new experiences.
Sa mission
How did you choose this field for your mission?
When I went to my first interview with VISA-AD I was thinking of going to Spain. Unfortunately, there weren’t any missions available. So I had a look at Italy instead. I had several interviews without really working out what to do. I was really set on the idea of doing Service Civique by then, in the end, I didn’t mind what field it was in. I just wanted to donate my time for a year, no matter who I ended up serving.
What was your mission?
It was a mission with severely disabled adults. I make sure they get from place to place, I take them to their medical appointments or other activities etc.
“I have to admit I was surprised when I arrived. I had never had to deal with people like this before and it startled me. “

What did you think of the organisation when you arrived?
Since I left without really knowing what to expect, I have to admit I was surprised when I arrived. I hadn’t really researched the organisation and I didn’t know I was going to be with adults with severe disabilities. I had never had to deal with people like this before and it startled me.
How were your first few days with the organisation?
I remember arriving at 10 a.m. and starting work at 2 p.m. that day, which was lucky because I think I’d have fled if I’d had time to think about it. In the end, I was put with a brilliant team who knew how to support me and I don’t regret staying at all.
What have you been up to since finishing your Service Civique?
When I got back from my Service Civique, I started a diploma in tourism.
Any advice for future volunteers?
The only piece of advice I would give to a new volunteer is: never say no to a new experience, don’t be afraid of the unknown and have faith in your abilities.
A bit more about Sacha…
If you were an animal, what would you be?
A hybrid of so many animals I can’t even name them all.If tomorrow you could go anywhere you wanted in the world for two weeks, where would you go? Why?I would do a world tour. There are so many things to explore, I wouldn’t be able to choose just one place. I would go and explore all the landscapes and cultures of the world and have a ton of new experiences.